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ACULON A30 binoculars focus on the heart of the action. Watch live sporting events through the 25 mm objective diameter and multilayer-coated lenses and enjoy wide, bright and focused images.
ACULON A30 binoculars are so compact and lightweight, you can take them anywhere. Their protective rubber coating ensures a firm, comfortable grip. Longer eye relief offers a whole new level of enjoyment. And Nikon’s Eco-glass optics ensure peace of mind: all lenses and prisms are 100% guaranteed free of lead and arsenic.
Technical Specifications
Magnification (x)10
Objective diameter (mm)25
Angular field of view (Real/degree)5
Angular field of view (Apparent/degree)47.2
Field of view at 1,000 m (m)87
Exit pupil (mm)2.5
Relative brightness6.3
Eye relief (mm)13